:wq - blog » skiddie http://writequit.org/blog Tu fui, ego eris Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:54:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.5 The Strange Case of Yousif Yalda, an addendum http://writequit.org/blog/2008/03/28/the-strange-case-of-yousif-yalda-an-addendum/ http://writequit.org/blog/2008/03/28/the-strange-case-of-yousif-yalda-an-addendum/#comments Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:06:03 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=158 For people who follow the McGrewSecurity.com blog by Wesley McGrew, you are no doubt familiar with an “internet user” by the name of Yousif Yalda. For a little background, take a read on Wesley’s post on some of the “business tactics” of Yousif.

Seeing as how this is the internet, and we’re all entitled to our opinion, I posted my own opinion as a comment on the blog, what follows is an AIM coversation with Yousif about my comment. Entirely uncut and unedited (I replaced foul language with “****”). I think the security community should know. Without further ado:

11:32:02 PM Yousif: .
8:59:51 AM Lee: ?
11:20:17 AM Lee: You IM’d me?
11:20:25 AM Yousif: Yup
11:20:40 AM Yousif: So why exactly did you say what you said on Wesley’s post about me?
11:21:00 AM Lee: Because I had seen some of the posts you had posted in the mailinglists that I read
11:21:09 AM Yousif: Right..
11:21:15 AM Yousif: Go ahead and support yourself.
11:21:24 AM Yousif: I want to know what’s so noobish about my posts.
11:21:47 AM Lee: I didn’t say that they were “noobish”
11:22:21 AM Yousif: You said I needed attention?
11:22:22 AM Yousif: How so?
11:22:47 AM Yousif: I merely asked for views and opinions to be expressed amongst what I had linked.
11:22:48 AM Lee: your mailing list post seemed more like shameless self-promotion
11:23:07 AM Yousif: No, you’ve just got the wrong idea.
11:23:24 AM Yousif: Btw, if you didn’t, I’m only 17 and I’m managing x1000 more than you ever can.
11:23:35 AM Yousif: So you need to learn to shut your mouth and think about what you say next time.
11:23:43 AM Lee: you have no idea how much I manage..?
11:23:53 AM Yousif: It’s been barely an entire year for me in web application security..
11:23:59 AM Yousif: All I’ve been doing is trying to learn and contribute.
11:24:12 AM Yousif: Dude, I’m a nice ***ing guy and I work hard, Wesley is an idiot.
11:24:29 AM Yousif: We were cool to a point until he got upset because I stopped talking to him.
11:24:37 AM Yousif: The information he provided is false and was photoshopped..
11:24:39 AM Lee: Wesley isn’t an idiot, I hardly believe that’s true
11:25:06 AM Yousif: Those screenshots; only one is true, the FTP screenshot because I sent him that when we were discussing how to implement SSL in a specific manner.
11:25:11 AM Yousif: The rest is garbage.
11:25:43 AM Lee: Why should you care what he posts then? Why not just ignore it?
11:25:58 AM Yousif: Don’t act stupid. You want me to drop YOUR docs?
11:25:59 AM Yousif: Do you?
11:26:09 AM Yousif: You want to appear as a top-page result in Google?
11:26:10 AM Lee: “drop my docs”?
11:26:12 AM Yousif: I don’t think so.
11:26:16 AM Yousif: Aww how cute.
11:26:20 AM Yousif: You don’t know what that maens.
11:26:21 AM Yousif: means*
11:26:23 AM Yousif: Exactly.
11:26:27 AM Yousif: Your pure Whitehat.
11:26:33 AM Yousif: You don’t even know basic terms of a black hat hacker..
11:26:34 AM Lee: Pardon me for not being familiar with your slang
11:26:40 AM Yousif: I was one, and I’m trying to be clean.
11:26:50 AM Yousif: It means I’ll post information about you.
11:26:53 AM Yousif: Negative information
11:27:05 AM Yousif: Where you live, number, and a lot of stuff that isn’t public.
11:27:08 AM Lee: so, is that supposed to scare me?
11:27:16 AM Yousif: That’s a question only.
11:27:16 AM Lee: where I live and my number is public anyhow
11:27:26 AM Lee: knock yourself out
11:27:34 AM Yousif: Oh, how cool would it be for me to automate something to call you every couple of seconds?
11:27:39 AM Yousif: Hmm, that sounds peaceful..
11:27:42 AM Yousif: Be realistic here.
11:27:51 AM Yousif: No one wants that type of information out like that especially as such a post.
11:28:03 AM Yousif: Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.
11:28:19 AM Yousif: It simply ruins my reputation, and I’ve done nothing to have that going for me.
11:28:42 AM Yousif: It also doesn’t help when you don’t have a factual clue about me and you go and post that comment
11:28:49 AM Lee: my personal information is widely available on the internet, I don’t think a post by you is really going to change that
11:29:07 AM Yousif: Do you know what happens after you drop someone’s dox?
11:29:12 AM Yousif: Dude, it goes into EFFECT.
11:29:25 AM Yousif: You’ve got a number, well I’ll threaten you, that’s how the game is played.
11:29:34 AM Yousif: You’ve got an address, I’ll come over and stab you.
11:29:36 AM Yousif: It’s common ****.
11:29:55 AM Lee: are you aware that this is a record of threat, and that it can be used as legal evidence of that fact?
11:30:17 AM Yousif: Not really, genius.
11:30:24 AM Yousif: I showed you that it was an example of what that term meant.
11:30:27 AM Yousif: I can do the same as he had done but instead provide valid information supporting my post, but I’d rather not because I’m not here to dual with anyone.
11:30:52 AM Lee: if you’re not here to “dual” with anyone, why the defensive and attacking attitude?
11:31:18 AM Yousif: You posted a negative remark about me, how can I be cool with that; especially when it’s not true.
11:31:50 AM Yousif: Attend a conference and talk to me once, we’ll see who’s “attention-needy”.
11:31:57 AM Lee: it’s a blog, it’s my opinion, it’s the internet, opinions should be respected
11:32:28 AM Lee: if you don’t agree, ignore it
11:32:45 AM Yousif: Again, it’s not something that can be ignored..
11:32:47 AM Yousif: You know that.
11:33:10 AM Lee: I believe it’s quite ignorable
11:33:36 AM Yousif: It’s like saying “I’ll drop your docs and mass spam it across a HUGE text file with emails so everyone can see this”.
11:34:28 AM Lee: and like I was saying, personal information for me is already easily accessible on the internet
11:35:28 AM Lee: from what I can tell, it looks like similar people have the same opinion as me, why not go bother them?
11:35:58 AM Yousif: I’m not bothering you, I’m making you feel very stupid for what you had to say.
11:36:16 AM Yousif: You also can’t understand what dropping your docs mean after I told you what it is, along with examples.
11:36:20 AM Lee: I’m not feeling stupid
11:36:49 AM Yousif: Yes, you are. You respond back with remarks that make no sense, but instead go in a cycle of bull****.
11:37:11 AM Lee: alright, what remarks need clarification then?
11:37:22 AM Yousif: Yes, genius your information is public, but there are private information I can get against you, post it and tell people to harass and threaten you a million times.. Now do you understand?
11:37:42 AM Yousif: You keep thinking that your information will be there for eyes to read.. instead it’ll be used.
11:37:51 AM Lee: what makes you think people will want to threaten and harass me?
11:37:53 AM Yousif: But that’s just an example to clarify your misconception.
11:38:06 AM Yousif: It’s a game, it’s how it’s played.
11:38:08 AM Yousif: Google it.
11:38:47 AM Lee: frankly, I don’t care what you and your buddies are up to with my information
11:39:00 AM Yousif: Anyways, I’m done with you. I was trying to implement some facts to make you more open-minded but I see that your just as wrong as he is, so do what you want, I’ll be seeing you soon.
11:39:40 AM Lee: toodles
Changed status to Idle (11:58:12 AM)

Did I handle that perfectly? Probably not, but that’s the internet. If you’re easily offended by other’s opinions, leave.

I welcome comments :)

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