:wq - blog » tutorials http://writequit.org/blog Tu fui, ego eris Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:54:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.5 Tutorial: Sniffing iSCSI traffic for a spoofing attack http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/21/tutorial-sniffing-iscsi-traffic-for-a-spoofing-attack/ http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/21/tutorial-sniffing-iscsi-traffic-for-a-spoofing-attack/#comments Thu, 21 Jun 2007 19:37:03 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=64 Also known as “Why you need some kind of iSCSI security”

Okay, after reading Himanshu Dwivedi’s presentation[PDF] on iSCSI security (insecure-SCSI hur hur hur) I decided to try and replicate one of the attacks that he mentioned in the presentation. Following is how I managed to get the data shown of a different machine.

Firstly, I needed to get the initiatorname for the iscsi daemon on the target host. In this case the /etc/initiatorname.iscsi file is -rw-------, so I needed a way to find out the initiator name without root privileges. In this case I used wireshark (used to be ethereal) to sniff the traffic for a plain-text initiator name. Okay, so here’s what I did:

Fire up Wireshark (Ethereal) and set it to promiscuous mode, with a filter for port 3260 (the iscsid port), feel free to filter by host, etc. Run the live capture for a while, what you’re going to be looking for is a sequence of packets that look more like this:

iSCSI Login Command
TCP [PSH,ACK] <other information>
TCP [ACK] <other information>
iSCSI Login Response (Success)

I can’t say how long it’s going to take this, but it’s much easier to get when the iscsi service is being started on the machine you’re trying to sniff, therefore, if you can sniff while a machine is coming online from a reboot you will most likely have a much better chance of detecting this.

There’s another easier way of getting what you want just doing a string search. Search for the string “Initiator” below you can see a picture what you should be looking for in Wireshark:

Note the highlighted text at the bottom, this is what you’re looking for. Copied straight out you get something like this:

All we really care about in that text is the part that is bolded, using this, we can manually set the /etc/initiatorname.iscsi file on a different Linux server to have the line “InitiatorName=iqn.1987-05.com.cisco:01.87956e84f925“. Don’t forget to change the /etc/iscsi.conf file to have the following line in it:
DiscoveryAddress=<ip of iscsi target host>
Fill in the host with the IP address that your sniffing showed (in this case, it was as you can see in the picture)

After this step, if this were a real attack it would probably be a good idea to preform a DOS attack on the original target to knock it out of connection with the server (you don’t really want 2 hosts attempting to get the same information from an iSCSI target). Then start the iscsi daemon with “/etc/init.d/iscsi start” and you should be seeing the data originally meant for the other host.

This is really a simple attack and barely requires any technical knowledge of iSCSI to exploit it. It’s nothing special, but it does show that you really need to implement some kind of security in your network (CHAP or whatever else suits you).

What kind of security do you use for iSCSI? CHAP? None? Leave a comment and let me know!

EDIT: Blog O’Matty has an article on the Solaris iSCSI stack in the August issue of SysAdmin magazine if you’re interested. I find his articles to be very insightful and I highly recommend checking out some of the other ones at prefetch.net. Check it out!

http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/21/tutorial-sniffing-iscsi-traffic-for-a-spoofing-attack/feed/ 0
Submission: Ralf’s updated zfs backup script (with tutorial!) http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/20/submission-ralfs-updated-zfs-backup-script-with-tutorial/ http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/20/submission-ralfs-updated-zfs-backup-script-with-tutorial/#comments Wed, 20 Jun 2007 17:02:50 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=62 The following comes to you from Ralf Ramge, who has graciously allowed me to post his script and all the instructions below:

“I have a small update. I’ve made the number of backups of each
filesystem easier to handle by replacing the hardcoded number with a
variable. I also added some comments so everybody should be able adjust
both the path of the snapshot directory and the number of backups easily.

I decided to show you the disaster scenario for which this script is
being used.

Let’s take a simple server with the following ZFS file systems:

root@static:/> zfs list
tank                   8,78G  101G   28,5K   /export
tank/backup            4,93G  101G   27,5K   /export/backup
tank/backup/snapshots  4,93G  101G   4,93G   /export/backup/snapshots
tank/backup/sysdata    68K    101G   41,5K   /export/backup/sysdata
tank/repository        205M   101G   205M    repository/packages
tank/zones             3,65G  101G   25,5K   /export/zones
tank/zones/ffxi-sites  3,65G  101G   3,63G   /export/zones/ffxi-sites

tank/backup: usual file system, but with compression=on. Very useful for
snapshots, compression rate is 1.66:1
tank/backup/snapshots: The snapshot directory I use in the scripts
tank/backup/sysdata: That’s a backup directory in which essential system
data is stored. Most important: the complete contents of /etc/zones and
perhaps some stuff like /etc/netmasks, /etc/nsswitch.conf, whatever
could be of importance during reconstruction of the host.
tank/repository/packages: That’s where I keep my packages, scripts,
whatever. Just a repository which is shared (sharenfs=ro,anon=o) and
re-mounted in the local zone as `/var/spool/pkg` … makes things easier.
tank/zones/ffxi-sites: That’s the zonepath of the zone `ffxi-sites-zone`.

I bet it’s getting interesting now, because I’ll explain you how to
backup this zone using the script … and how to reconstruct it from
scratch, on another hardware with different network drivers and such.

Okay. I make backups of tank/backup/sysdata (we need the contents of
/etc/zones for reconstruction), tank/repository/packages and, of
course, the entire local zone itself by backing up
tank/zones/ffxi-sites. Use my script for it, e.g. by executing it for
each file system in your crontab and sending it to a backup server.

This will result in two copies. the local copy in
/export/backup/snapshots (you can edit this path in the script) and one
on a remote server. We us the local copy in case someone shot the
database in the local zone or whatever. And the remote copy is needed in
case of a necessary re-installation of the entire server.

Btw: My private ISP only offers plain FTP for accessing backup servers.
FTP isn’t supported by the backup script. I make the local backups
between 1 an 3 am, and I use the following (imperfect) script at 5am to
transfer all backups to the FTP server:

HOST='<ip of ftp server>'


if [ ! -d $BACKUPDIR ]; then
echo "Backup Directory doesn't exist"
exit 1


# cleanup ftp server, kamikaze style

ftp -n $HOST << END_CLEANUP > /dev/null
quote USER $USER
mdel *.zfs

# transfer all ZFS images to the ftp server

#for FILE in `ls -rt1 *.zfs`; do
# ftp -n $HOST << END_SCRIPT
# quote USER $USER
# quote PASS $PASSWD
# binary
# put $FILE
# bye

#for FILE in `ls -rt1 *.zfs`; do
ftp -n $HOST << END_SCRIPT >/dev/null
quote USER $USER
mput *.zfs
# put $FILE

exit 0

This script isn’t recommended for production use, there’s a plain text
password in it. I only use it because the ftp server is firewalled and
cannot be accessed from other servers using this login – and if someone
hacked into my machine, he won’t need the backups anyway.

Okay, now disaster happens. We have to reconstruct *everything*. So
insert the Solaris DVD into the drive, install Solaris as usual, apply
the Recommend Patches cluster, and so on. Finally, we’re ready create
the ZFS pool again, we create tank/backup/snapshots and copy the ZFS
images from our remote server backup into this directory. We have our
local copies back.

Now: deploy the three filesystems using `zfs receive`, e.g. `zfs receive
tank/backup/sysdata < tank_backup_sysdata-070611-033000.zfs

We have our zone configuration back now. We `cd` to
/export/backup/sysdata. Then we’re going to copy the `index` file plus
the ?.xml` files back to /etc/zones, replacing the default ones.

We still have to fix the network interface, which changed due to the
(imaginary) new hardware we have to use now. Enter the zone
configuration using `zonecfg`, e.g.:

root@static:/> zonecfg -z ffxi-sites-zone
zonecfg:ffxi-sites-zone> info
zonename: ffxi-sites-zone
zonepath: /export/zones/ffxi-sites
autoboot: false
pool: pool_default
address: <your zone ip>
physical: rtls0
name: zone.cpu-shares
value: (priv=privileged,limit=10,action=none)
name: comment
type: string
value: ffxi-sites

We have to change the “physical” entry to something else, let’s say
we’re using a X4100 now and so we need `e1000g0` instead of `rtls0`.
`ifconfig -a` shows us the device name.

Type `select net address=<your zone ip>`. Then `set pyhsical=e1000g0`.
Then `end`.

We still have to commit the changes. We do this by typing `commit` and
then we `exit`.

All we have to do now is `zoneadm boot ffxi-sites-zone` and we’re online
again, without having to deploy the zone, too.

Okay, done. We’re online again.

Only continue reading if you want to join some unsupported “hacking

Q: What to do in case our zonepath changed, or we want it to be changed?
A: That’s easy. Grab your `vi` and edit /etc/zones/index. Ignore the “DO
NOT EDIT” warning, that’s for girls only. See below on what to do.

Q: I only want to clone a zone, what to do now?
A: `zfs send <source filesystem> | zfs receive <destination
`. Or clone and promote a filesystem, your choice. Then grab
you `vi` and edit /etc/zones/index again. Change the IP like we I shows
you earlier before you boot the cloned zone. And don’t forget chmod 700
your new zonepath.

(Matthew Says: Another way to clone as zone, depending on your patch level, can be seen further down here: http://uadmin.blogspot.com/2006/08/day-in-life-of-solaris-11-admin.html)

Let’s have a look at the index file:

root@static:/> cat /etc/zones/index
# Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# ident "@(#)zones-index 1.2 04/04/01 SMI"
# DO NOT EDIT: this file is automatically generated by zoneadm(1M)
# and zonecfg(1M). Any manual changes will be lost.

“ffxi-sites-zone” is the name of my zone. enter the name of your clone here.
“installed” is the zone’s status. Our filesystems contains a bootable
zone, so “installed” is okay. If you configured a new zone manually and
didn’t install it using `zoneadm` yet, it’ll be “configured” … then
deploy a new, bootable zonepath and set the mode to “installed”. I use
this because I use completely installed zone templates for deploying new
zones, that’s much faster than the official (and supported) `zoneadm -z
<zone> install
` way.
/export/zones/ffxi-sites is the zonepath. you may change it. Just make
sure the new zonepath exists and it has mode 700. The latter is very

Make sure you made a backup of your orginal before editing it manually.
You edit it on your own risk.

The entry for a cloned zone may look like this:


Okay, and now forget what I told you, because Sun won’t give you the
least bit of support if something goes wrong :-) The fact that I use
such methods for production use won’t help you much if you have a typo
where you shouldn’t have made one.

Hope you had some fun.”

Thanks for the submission Ralf!

http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/20/submission-ralfs-updated-zfs-backup-script-with-tutorial/feed/ 2
DRBD and Heartbeat for high availability on Linux http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/18/drbd-and-heartbeat-for-high-availability-on-linux/ http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/18/drbd-and-heartbeat-for-high-availability-on-linux/#comments Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:46:30 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=61 I’ve been trying to get a HA solution put together for one of our software projects here at EMC and I figured I’d share the configuration of these two products in the environment that we’re using. I have to write the documentation for it anyway, so I might as well post it here for everyone else to see and learn from first ;)

We are going to configure 2 machines to be in a Active/Passive failover situation, which means that if the primary machine dies, the secondary will take over its identity and continue functioning as previously.

Primary: lava2042 ( ( for crossover interface)
Secondary: lava2138 ( ( for crossover interface)
HA-address: lava2222 (

Configuring heartbeat

Step 1.
Install Heartbeat and DRBD on BOTH machines that you are planning on configuring. This should be a very straightforward step and I’m not going to go into detail.

Step 2.
We’re going to need a way to connect the machines, you can use either a crossover cable from an additional ethernet port to the other or you can use a serial cable. In this example I’m using a crossover cable.

Step 3.
Now we’re going to configure the /etc/ha.d/ha.cf file for our machine. Here is what I’ve put into the /etc/ha.d/ha.cf file ON EACH MACHINE:
bcast eth1
keepalive 2
warntime 10
deadtime 30
initdead 120
udpport 694
auto_failback on
node lava2042
node lava2138

Check this page if you have trouble or are using a serial connection instead of a crossover cable. It has instructions on how to configure this file for a serial interface.

Step 4.
Now configure the /etc/ha.d/authkeys file ON EACH MACHINE for what kind of security and file checking you want, I don’t care about security in this example so I put this is the file since it’s the fastest:
auth 2
2 crc

(See here for more information)

We’ll also need to configure the /etc/ha.d/haresources file, but we won’t do that until we get DRBD working correctly.

Configuring DRBD

Step 1.
The /etc/drbd.conf file needs to be configured. It should already have an example setup in the file. I used the already existing resource r0 and edited the nodes. Inside the “resource r0 {” bracket there should be a part that says “on <something>”. Here is what I put for my 2 nodes:
on lava2042 {
device /dev/drbd0;
disk /dev/sda1;
meta-disk internal;

on lava2138 {
device /dev/drbd0;
disk /dev/sda8;
meta-disk internal;

Now let me give a little background. I had already made the /dev/sda1 partition on lava2042 and the /dev/sda8 partition on lava2138, each 1 gig to store the data that was going to be shared. /dev/drbd0 is the device that will actually be mounted and read from. Other than that, I left the entire file to be it’s defaults. Make sure to comment out any other resources unless you need more than one filesystem replicated.

Step 2.
Make sure to load the drbd module by doing a modprobe drbd and check the dmesg command to make sure the output looks correct (Sorry, I don’t have what it should look like, I’ll keep better notes in the future).

Step 3.
Now we need to initialize our metadata for DRBD. We do this by running this on EACH machine:
drbdmeta create-md r0
Where r0 is the name of the resource from the /etc/drbd.conf file. You should now be able to run the following on each machine:
drbdadm up all
After running these two commands, you should be able to check dmesg and /proc/drbd to see the status of your filesystem.

Step 4.
The next step is to force one of the machines to be the primary and create a filesystem. In this case I’m choosing lava2042 as the primary, so I will run this on the machine:
lava2042# drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 primary -o
This will do the initial sync between the machines, you should only need to do this once. After that, run this command:
lava2042# drbdadm primary all
To force lava2042 into the primary state and make /etc/drbd0 usable. From here you can create a filesystem by doing a:
lava2042# mkfs.ext3 /dev/drbd0 (or whatever filesystem you want)
And mount the filesystem to check it out (make sure to unmount it after you’re done)

You should now be able to do a drbdadm primary all on either machine (while in a Secondary/Secondary state (check /proc/drbd)) and mount the filesystem

Step 5.
Okay, now let’s drop back into secondary mode for lava2042 by doing this:
lava2042# drbdadm secondary all
The /proc/drbd file should look something like this:
version: 8.0.3 (api:86/proto:86)
SVN Revision: 2881 build by root@lava2138, 2007-06-18 09:50:33
0: cs:Connected st:Secondary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r---
ns:316952 nr:1221300 dw:1222380 dr:346211 al:8 bm:107 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0
resync: used:0/31 hits:81456 misses:98 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:98
act_log: used:0/257 hits:262 misses:8 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:8

(Important part bolded) The filesystem needs to be in a Secondary state for both machines in order for heartbeat to work properly

And now we’re going to edit the /etc/ha.d/haresources file to take care of sharing the filesystem. Here’s what I have in the file:
lava2042 drbddisk::r0 Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/opt/EMC::ext3 httpd
Let’s go through it line by line:
lava2042 – the machine that will be the primary node
drbddisk::r0 – activate the r0 resource disk (make sure r0 corresponds to whatever your resource is named)
Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/opt/EMC::ext3 – mount /dev/drbd0 on /opt/EMC as an ext3 filesystem – the IP address for our solution (see the beginning of the post)
httpd – the service we’re going to watch over and take care of, in this case httpd (which wasn’t really what I was configuring, but it’s the easiest to show as an example)
Don’t forget this file has to be the same on BOTH MACHINES.

Step 6.
Make sure heartbeat and the service(s) you’re watching DO NOT start at boot, otherwise things get really ugly if when you screw up:
chkconfig heartbeat off
chkconfig httpd off
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
(on both machines)

Step 7. (The cross your fingers step)
Alright, it’s finally time to test your failover configuration. First, we need to start heartbeat on the primary machine:
lava2042# /etc/init.d/heartbeat start
Then, start it on the secondary machine
lava2138# /etc/init.d/heartbeat start

You should now be able to ping the cluster IP (lava2222 or You can also check that the /dev/drbd0 filesystem is mounted on the primary node using df. Check the /var/log/messages file on either machine for debugging information.

The moment of truth
Go to your primary node and yank the power cable out of the back. Head back to your machine and carefully watch the /var/log/messages file on the secondary node. You should see information about the link being down, the drbd having trouble accessing the filesystem, then heartbeat should kick in and start taking over, mounting the filesystem and finally starting your httpd service. Congratulations, you have now successfully failed over.

If you have an error, check the error messages and see if you can figure out what to do, if you need any help leave a comment or email me and I’ll try and help. Hopefully this helps somebody as this took me quite a while to figure out, having never worked with either piece of software.

Additional links:
Information mostly pulled from:

P.S. Ralf Ramge emailed me an updated version of his bash zfs backup script. I am still working on getting it put together to post. Thanks for the email Ralf

http://writequit.org/blog/2007/06/18/drbd-and-heartbeat-for-high-availability-on-linux/feed/ 8
Use SVM to make RAID0 and RAID1 meta-partitions http://writequit.org/blog/2007/05/17/use-svm-to-make-raid0-and-raid1-meta-partitions/ http://writequit.org/blog/2007/05/17/use-svm-to-make-raid0-and-raid1-meta-partitions/#comments Thu, 17 May 2007 18:55:13 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=50 Firstly, the easy one:

Given 4 slices, each ~5g:

First, need a metadb, I created a 100MB slice on c1t1d0s0 (which I am NOT using for the RAID, entirely separate drive) and ran this command to initiate the database. It is a good idea to mirror the database in a minimum of 3 positions, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial
metadb -a -f c1t1d0s0

Then, it’s as easy as 1 command to bring multiple drives into one slice/partition with the following command:
metainit d100 1 4 c2t2d0s0 c2t3d0s0 c2t4d0s0 c2t5d0s0
NOTE: I already created slice 0 on each of the drives.

To see the status of your meta-slice:
metastat d100
d100: Concat/Stripe
Size: 40878080 blocks (19 GB)
Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
Device Start Block Dbase Reloc
c2t2d0s0 0 No Yes
c2t3d0s0 4096 No Yes
c2t4d0s0 4096 No Yes
c2t5d0s0 4096 No Yes

Device Relocation Information:
Device Reloc Device ID
c2t2d0 Yes id1,sd@n6006048cb0ca0ceeef67fa7a33ce4c94
c2t3d0 Yes id1,sd@n6006048cb275dda20f654d7248d17197
c2t4d0 Yes id1,sd@n6006048c5aa658e3c69370f2bad75bc0
c2t5d0 Yes id1,sd@n6006048cc092136a695a21eeaa948f88

See? Now we’ve got a 19GB slice. Feel free to newfs /dev/md/dsk/d100 and mount it somewhere fun.

Next up: RAID1
This is actually not as hard as it looks. First, make sure you init your database like the first step from above. Then initialize your first meta slice:
metainit d101 1 1 c2t2d0s0

Then, create the mirror for that slice which will become your final RAID1 slice by issuing the following command:
metainit d100 -m d101

Then initialize the other slices in your mirror, in this care there are 3 additional slices:
metainit d102 1 1 c2t3d0s0
metainit d103 1 1 c2t4d0s0
metainit d104 1 1 c2t5d0s0

From there, it’s quite easy to finish it up by attaching the mirrors:
metattach d100 d102
metattach d100 d103
metattach d100 d104

Then, monitor metastat for the sync progress percentage until all the mirrors are sync’d. Finished!
metastat d100

http://writequit.org/blog/2007/05/17/use-svm-to-make-raid0-and-raid1-meta-partitions/feed/ 0
Getting EMC Celerras to work for iscsi on Solaris 10 http://writequit.org/blog/2007/05/17/getting-emc-celerras-to-work-for-iscsi-on-solaris-10/ http://writequit.org/blog/2007/05/17/getting-emc-celerras-to-work-for-iscsi-on-solaris-10/#comments Thu, 17 May 2007 18:31:12 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=49 For fun and profit!

Basically, for my own categorization:

1. Celerra-side:
Create filesystems (I am using 4 because I want to stripe across all 4:
nas_fs -n iscsiRAID1_5g -c size=5G pool=clar_r5_performance
nas_fs -n iscsiRAID2_5g -c size=5G pool=clar_r5_performance
nas_fs -n iscsiRAID3_5g -c size=5G pool=clar_r5_performance
nas_fs -n iscsiRAID4_5g -c size=5G pool=clar_r5_performance

Mount filesystems:
server_mount server_2 iscsiRAID1_5g /iscsiRAID1_5g
(repeat for all 4 filesystems)

Create iscsi target:
server_iscsi server_2 -target -alias target_3 -create 1000:np=
( is the datamover IP for this Celerra, “target_3″ is the target name)

Create iscsi LUNs:
server_iscsi server_2 -lun -number 1 -create target_3 -size 5000 -fs iscsiRAID1_5g
server_iscsi server_2 -lun -number 2 -create target_3 -size 5000 -fs iscsiRAID2_5g
server_iscsi server_2 -lun -number 3-create target_3 -size 5000 -fs iscsiRAID3_5g
server_iscsi server_2 -lun -number 4 -create target_3 -size 5000 -fs iscsiRAID4_5g

I am creating 4 luns, 1 for each of the 4 filesystems

2. On the Sun side:
iscsiadm modify discovery --sendtargets enable
iscsiadm add discovery-address

( is the datamover for our Celerra, it will be our iscsi target)

Run this command so you can get the initiator node name:
iscsiadm list initiator-node
It’ll spit out something that looks like this:
Initiator node name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:ba88a3f5ffff.4648d8d8
Initiator node alias: -
Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
Header Digest: NONE/-
Data Digest: NONE/-
Authentication Type: NONE
RADIUS access: unknown
Configured Sessions: 1

We’re interested in the bold part up there, the part that starts with iqn.blahblahblah

Back on the Celerra:
server_iscsi server_2 -mask -set target_3 -initiator iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:ba88a3f5ffff.4648d8d8 -grant 1-4
(use the initiator you got from the previous command, we are granting access to LUNs 1 through 4 (our raid LUNs))
And start the iscsi service if it hasn’t been started already:
server_iscsi server_2 -service -start
You are now completely done on the Celerra side, you can log off.

Back on the Sun:
Run this command to make sure you can see your targets alright
iscsiadm list target
Target: iqn.1992-05.com.emc:apm000650039080000-3
Alias: target_3
TPGT: 1000
ISID: 4000002a0000
Connections: 1

You should see something similar to the above. If you do, you now have a successful connection to the Celerra for iscsi. Don’t forget to create device nodes for your drives by running this:
devfsadm -i iscsi
Now run “format” and you should be able to see your drives show up. Don’t forget to open port 3260 in your firewall so that iscsi traffic can get through.

You should now be in business with your 4 drives. I’m still working on the RAID/mirror/striping part. I will add another post once I figure this out.

If you run into an error where the iscsi driver will not online, take a look at this link.

http://writequit.org/blog/2007/05/17/getting-emc-celerras-to-work-for-iscsi-on-solaris-10/feed/ 2