:wq - blog » vim http://writequit.org/blog Tu fui, ego eris Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:54:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.5 Automatically fold Clojure methods in Vim http://writequit.org/blog/2010/08/11/automatically-fold-clojure-methods-in-vim/ http://writequit.org/blog/2010/08/11/automatically-fold-clojure-methods-in-vim/#comments Wed, 11 Aug 2010 22:09:34 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=413 I’ve been trying to get this working for quite some time, I finally have a semi-working function to fold Clojure methods automatically.

First, here’s a picture of what you can expect to see when using this (click for larger version):

Click me!

And here’s the code (stick this in your .vimrc):

That’s it, easy as pie, enjoy the folding for Clojure files.

There are a few bugs with this because I’ve never actually written a Vim plugin, so I kind of hacked my way through this until I got it working. I welcome any feedback from someone with vimscript development experience (I’m looking at you Brian Carper ;))

http://writequit.org/blog/2010/08/11/automatically-fold-clojure-methods-in-vim/feed/ 2
How I develop Clojure with Vim http://writequit.org/blog/2010/03/15/how-i-develop-clojure-with-vim/ http://writequit.org/blog/2010/03/15/how-i-develop-clojure-with-vim/#comments Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:30:48 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=386 Recently Lau Jensen wrote a post talking about the features of Emacs and why it increases the productivity of Clojure programmers. While I don’t disagree that lisp programming in general benefits greatly from using Emacs as an editor, there are simply people who are too heavily invested into Vim (like myself) for things like viper-mode to work for them. So, I thought I’d share how I do Clojure development with Vim. Throw in my 2 cents.

The key (for me) to editing Clojure code in Vim is a combination of two plugins, VimClojure and slime.vim (see associated blog post). One of the difficult things is that slime.vim doesn’t actually exist anywhere on vim.org’s list of scripts, so it has to be downloaded from the aforementioned blog post. Stick it in the ~/.vim/plugins directory to install it.

First, VimClojure. I tend not to use Nailgun at all, some people like it, I don’t. So instead of the regular install for vimclojure, I copy over the files from the autoload, doc, ftdetect, ftplugin, indent and syntax folders to their respective Vim folders. If you think you’ll want the Nailgun functionality, you should use the installation instructions provided by Kotarak.

Now, add the settings you need for VimClojure to your .vimrc:

" Settings for VimClojure
let g:clj_highlight_builtins=1      " Highlight Clojure's builtins
let g:clj_paren_rainbow=1           " Rainbow parentheses'!

I have to say, rainbow parentheses’ is one of the best features of vimclojure, making it easy to see exactly what parentheses closes which statement:

Now that VimClojure is set up, time to set up the integration with Clojure’s REPL, to do that I use slime.vim. Slime.vim uses screen to send the input from your editor to any window in a running screen session, so to get started we’ll have to start up a screen session. To make it easier, you can name it something so you don’t have to look up the pid, I’ll call this session “clojure”:

‹ ~ › : screen -S clojure

If you didn’t name your session, or forgot what you named it, you can use screen -ls to look up all the screen sessions you’ve started:

‹ ~ › : screen -ls
There are screens on:
41837.clojure (Attached)
8970.ttys000.Xanadu (Attached)
8990.ttys001.Xanadu (Attached)
9010.ttys002.Xanadu (Attached)
4 Sockets in /tmp/screens/S-hinmanm.

Now, start a REPL in the screen terminal window (use ‘clj’ or ‘lein REPL’ or however you like to start a Clojure REPL). Next, open a clojure file with Vim, highlight a block of code (slime.vim will automatically select a paragraph if your cursor is in the middle of something like a defn), now, press Control-c + Control-c (Ctrl+c twice in a row). You should be prompted by Vim like this:

Enter the name of the screen term, if you named your session “clojure” you’d enter “clojure”, if you didn’t name it, use the pid number you see from the output of ‘screen -ls’, next it will ask for which window to send the output to:

If you’ve used screen before (and I’m assuming you have), this is the window number your REPL is running on. After you enter this information the plugin will send the paragraph/line of text to the REPL. From here on the session id and window will be cached, so hitting ctrl+c,ctrl+c again will immediately send whatever function the cursor is on to the REPL. You can also select a block of code using visual mode and use ctrl+c,ctrl+c to send everything selected to the REPL. If you used the wrong numbers, use ctrl+c,v (Control+c, then v) to have slime.vim ask you for the numbers again.

There you go, you now have a 1-way pipe from your Vim editor to any kind of REPL (be it Clojure, Ruby or Python). Here’s a couple of screenshots of the plugin in action:

I know this doesn’t even come close to the amount of integration the Emacs has using SLIME, but for me, this is exactly what I want out of a Clojure development environment, develop some code and be able to easily send it to a REPL. Hopefully a Vim user or two out there will find this setup useful.

UPDATE: If you’re interested in my full Vim setup for some reason, you can check it out here.

UPDATE 2: Want to automagically fold Clojure methods when using Vim? Check out this post.

http://writequit.org/blog/2010/03/15/how-i-develop-clojure-with-vim/feed/ 44
Building a Java dev environment with Eclim and Vim on OSX http://writequit.org/blog/2009/05/11/building-a-java-dev-environment-with-eclim-and-vim-on-osx/ http://writequit.org/blog/2009/05/11/building-a-java-dev-environment-with-eclim-and-vim-on-osx/#comments Mon, 11 May 2009 16:19:26 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=279 As anyone who has done Java development will tell you, doing it without a java-specific IDE can suck. So, enter Eclipse and Netbeans, probably the 2 biggest java IDEs out there (among many).

But I don’t want to use Eclipse or Netbeans. I want to use Vim.

Enter Eclim, which is a way to use Eclipse’s wide array of features in Vim. Check out the site, it gives a better idea of how it’s used than I can. Unfortunately, only binaries for Linux and Windows are available, so we’re going to have to do this the hard way on OSX. Let’s get started.

The first thing we’ll need is Eclipse. I’m using Eclipse 3.4.3, which I downloaded, uncompressed and moved to /Applications/Eclipse (so the full path is /Applications/Eclipse/Eclipse.app, this is important for later).

Next, let’s grab Eclim from the sourceforge site, the tar.gz file (not the .exe or the .sh). I’m using Eclim 1.4.7. Untar and wait a second, we’ll need to grab something before we can build Eclim.

Eclim requires Ant 1.7.1 in order to build (OSX ships with Ant 1.7.0 instead), so download the Ant 1.7.1 binary for OSX from Apache’s sites, untar, but don’t worry about installing it.

Lastly, grab the latest Vim 7.2 tarball from vim.org. Unfortunately, Apple decided not to compile the system vim with ‘sign’ support, so we’ll have to roll our own version of vim.

Now, let’s begin:

First, we’ll need a folder for the vim plugins, which needs to be created manually or Eclim will complain:

[~]% mkdir ~/.vim/eclim

Next, compile the Eclim files from the eclim directory using the ant 1.7.1 binary. In this example I’m only compiling the ant and jdt plugins for Eclim, because the CDT and PDT plugins require other Eclipse libraries, and I only use Eclipse for Java development anyway. Be sure to change your eclipse.home setting if you didn’t put it in the same place as me:

[~/code/eclim_1.4.7]% ../apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant -Declipse.home=/Applications/Eclipse/ -Dplugins=ant,jdt

The Ant command will build and install the files at the same time, so afterwards you shouldn’t have to manually install any Vim or Eclim files.

Next, we need to recompile Vim with sign support, here’s how I compiled my version, make sure to keep the –enable-gui=no and –without-x options, or else vim will start X11 every time you run in:

[~/code/vim72]% ./configure --enable-gui=no --without-x --with-features=huge --prefix=/usr/local
[~/code/vim72]% make
[~/code/vim72]% sudo make install

Switch out the system vim for the one we just created:

[~/code/vim72]% sudo mv /usr/bin/vim /usr/bin/vim.mac.old

We’ll need some way to start the Eclim daemon that was installed, and eclimd doesn’t care for symlinks, so I created an alias in my .zshrc (or .bashrc if you use bash):

alias eclimd='/Applications/Eclipse/eclimd'

Next, we need to fix the /Applications/Eclipse/eclimd shell script, because Apple’s readlink command does NOT support the -f option, so change this line:

RESOLVED=`readlink -f "$0"`

To this:

RESOLVED=`readlink "$0"`

Now, after all that, start up eclimd:

[~]% eclimd

You should see something like this (screenshot):


Alrighty, now we can start Vim, give these two commands a try to see if eclimd communication can be established:

:PingEclim (Will output the Eclipse and Eclim version if everything is working)
:EclimValidate (You should get: “Result: OK, required settings are valid.”)

Hopefully you were able to get a connection. If not, leave a comment and I’ll try to help you out :)

Okay, so it’s set up, congratulations! Now what can you do with it, well I suggest checking out Eclim’s Java page to see what you can do, but the features I end up using the most are validation, completion and correction. Validation will validate the Java file every time you save it, marking the lines where errors in compilation occur. See the following screenshot (notice the red “>>” markers):


Completion (through Ctrl+x-Ctrl+u) gives you the awesome completion that Eclipse has, like so:


Correction allows you to go to a line with an error marker, and have Eclipse suggestion a fix, just like it would in the IDE, to apply the fix, put the cursor on the red line and hit Enter:


Now go read all the documentation to see the neat things you can do :)

I usually end up doing the actual project management (adding files, adding external jars to the classpath, generating ant build.xml files and other gui-type stuff) from Eclipse still, but for the actual coding, I’m all about Vim.

Oh yea, one other thing I should mention, so Vim settings for your .vimrc that are really helpful for this:

If you use Supertab (tab-completion with tab instead of Ctrl+x-Ctrl+u):

" Supertab settings
" supertab + eclim == java win
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionTypeDiscovery = [
\ "&completefunc:<c-x><c-u>",
\ "&omnifunc:<c-x><c-o>",
\ ]
let g:SuperTabLongestHighlight = 1

And some Eclim .vimrc settings that I use:

" Eclim settings
" ,i imports whatever is needed for current line
nnoremap <silent> <LocalLeader>i :JavaImport<cr>
" ,d opens javadoc for statement in browser
nnoremap <silent> <LocalLeader>d :JavaDocSearch -x declarations<cr>
" ,<enter> searches context for statement
nnoremap <silent> <LocalLeader><cr> :JavaSearchContext<cr>
" ,jv validates current java file
nnoremap <silent> <LocalLeader>jv :Validate<cr>
" ,jc shows corrections for the current line of java
nnoremap <silent> <LocalLeader>jc :JavaCorrect<cr>
" 'open' on OSX will open the url in the default browser without issue
let g:EclimBrowser='open'


http://writequit.org/blog/2009/05/11/building-a-java-dev-environment-with-eclim-and-vim-on-osx/feed/ 13
Vim setup explained http://writequit.org/blog/2008/09/14/vim-setup-explained/ http://writequit.org/blog/2008/09/14/vim-setup-explained/#comments Mon, 15 Sep 2008 01:18:49 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=195 Since my site is named after a Vim command. I figured that I should eventually write something talking about my favorite text editor, and how I like it configured. What follows is the explanation of my .vimrc, as well as a description of the plugins that I use. A lot of the credit for this configuration goes to Bart Trojanowski, who has an excellent Vim configuration. At the bottom I’ll have a link to download any of the files themselves if you so desire. I hope you find it useful (everything in fixed-width font is the actual text, everything else is comments about it):

My ~/.vimrc:

Modelines have been abused in the past, and while I haven’t heard of anything lately that would abuse them, it’s always better safe than sorry. This requires the securemodelines vim script

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" first the disabled features due to security concerns
set modelines=0               " no modelines [http://www.guninski.com/vim1.html]
let g:secure_modelines_verbose=0 " securemodelines vimscript
let g:secure_modelines_modelines = 15 " 15 available modelines

Since these are all simple features, I won’t bother to explain them besides the inline comments:

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" operational settings
syntax on
set ruler                     " show the line number on the bar
set more                      " use more prompt
set autoread                  " watch for file changes
set number                    " line numbers
set hidden
set noautowrite               " don't automagically write on :next
set lazyredraw                " don't redraw when don't have to
set showmode
set showcmd
set nocompatible              " vim, not vi
set autoindent smartindent    " auto/smart indent
set expandtab                 " expand tabs to spaces
set smarttab                  " tab and backspace are smart
set tabstop=6                 " 6 spaces
set shiftwidth=6
set scrolloff=5               " keep at least 5 lines above/below
set sidescrolloff=5           " keep at least 5 lines left/right
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set showfulltag               " show full completion tags
set noerrorbells              " no error bells please
set linebreak
set cmdheight=2               " command line two lines high
set undolevels=1000           " 1000 undos
set updatecount=100           " switch every 100 chars
set complete=.,w,b,u,U,t,i,d  " do lots of scanning on tab completion
set ttyfast                   " we have a fast terminal
filetype on                   " Enable filetype detection
filetype indent on            " Enable filetype-specific indenting
filetype plugin on            " Enable filetype-specific plugins
compiler ruby                 " Enable compiler support for ruby
set wildmode=longest:full
set wildignore+=*.o,*~,.lo    " ignore object files
set wildmenu                  " menu has tab completion
let maplocalleader=','        " all my macros start with ,
set foldmethod=syntax         " fold on syntax automagically, always
set foldcolumn=2              " 2 lines of column for fold showing, always

set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words " more words!

I do like candycode for my terminals (which tend to be black) and I like macvim for my GUI, so I change schemes depending on which I’m using.

if !has("gui_running")
      colorscheme candycode   " yum candy
if has("gui_running")
      colorscheme macvim      " macvim == win
      set guioptions-=T       " no toolbar
      set cursorline          " show the cursor line

For the taglist plugin, I want it to appear on the right and to quick vim as soon as I close the last file I’m working on.

" Settings for taglist.vim
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window=1
let Tlist_Auto_Open=0
let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column=0
let Tlist_Compact_Format=0
let Tlist_WinWidth=28
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1
let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 1

Misc TOhtml settings

" Settings for :TOhtml
let html_number_lines=1
let html_use_css=1
let use_xhtml=1

My status line is basically <filename> [<filetype>] [+] #<buffernum> <linenum>/<totallines>,<columnnum>

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" status line
set laststatus=2
if has('statusline')
        function! SetStatusLineStyle()
                let &stl="%f %y "                       .
                        \"%([%R%M]%)"                   .
                        \"%#StatusLineNC#%{&ff=='unix'?'':&ff.'\ format'}%*" .
                        \"%{'$'[!&list]}"               .
                        \"%{'~'[&pm=='']}"              .
                        \"%="                           .
                        \"#%n %l/%L,%c%V "              .
        call SetStatusLineStyle()

        if has('title')
                set titlestring=%t%(\ [%R%M]%)


More simple search options, see inline comments

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"  searching
set incsearch                 " incremental search
set ignorecase                " search ignoring case
set hlsearch                  " highlight the search
set showmatch                 " show matching bracket
set diffopt=filler,iwhite       " ignore all whitespace and sync

I *occasionally* use the mouse. If I have to.

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"  mouse stuffs
set mouse=a                   " mouse support in all modes
set mousehide                 " hide the mouse when typing
" this makes the mouse paste a block of text without formatting it
" (good for code)
map <MouseMiddle> <esc>"*p

I prefer not to litter my current directory with backup files, so I put them all in ~/.backup. I also save a lot of line positions in the viminfo file.

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"  backup options
set backup
set backupdir=~/.backup
set viminfo=%100,'100,/100,h,\"500,:100,n~/.viminfo
set history=200
"set viminfo='100,f1

I use ,ss to toggle between spellcheck on and spellcheck off.

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" spelling...
if v:version >= 700

  setlocal spell spelllang=en
  nmap <LocalLeader>ss :set spell!<CR>


Here are all the keyboard shortcuts I use most often:

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" some useful mappings
" Y yanks from cursor to $
map Y y$
" for yankring to work with previous mapping:
function! YRRunAfterMaps()
    nnoremap Y   :<C-U>YRYankCount 'y$'<CR>
" toggle list mode
nmap <LocalLeader>tl :set list!<cr>
" toggle paste mode
nmap <LocalLeader>pp :set paste!<cr>
" change directory to that of current file
nmap <LocalLeader>cd :cd%:p:h<cr>
" change local directory to that of current file
nmap <LocalLeader>lcd :lcd%:p:h<cr>
" correct type-o's on exit
nmap q: :q
" save and build
nmap <LocalLeader>wm  :w<cr>:make<cr>
" open all folds
nmap <LocalLeader>fo  :%foldopen!<cr>
" close all folds
nmap <LocalLeader>fc  :%foldclose!<cr>
" ,tt will toggle taglist on and off
nmap <LocalLeader>tt :Tlist<cr>
" ,nn will toggle NERDTree on and off
nmap <LocalLeader>nn :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
" When I'm pretty sure that the first suggestion is correct
map <LocalLeader>r 1z=

I use this one quite often, as I often forget to do “sudo vim file” in the first case, now I don’t have to exit vim to write the file with sudo.

" If I forgot to sudo vim a file, do that with :w!!
cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
" ruby helpers
iab rbang #!/usr/bin/env ruby
iab idef def initialize

I think candycode looks good in all the color modes, but it’s still nice to set it up for different terms.

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" setup for the visual environment
if $TERM =~ '^xterm'
        set t_Co=256
elseif $TERM =~ '^screen-bce'
        set t_Co=256            " just guessing
elseif $TERM =~ '^rxvt'
        set t_Co=88
elseif $TERM =~ '^linux'
        set t_Co=8
        set t_Co=16

Switch between tabs with ,tn and ,tp

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" tabs
" (LocalLeader is ",")
map <LocalLeader>tc :tabnew %<cr>    " create a new tab
map <LocalLeader>td :tabclose<cr>    " close a tab
map <LocalLeader>tn :tabnext<cr>     " next tab
map <LocalLeader>tp :tabprev<cr>     " previous tab
map <LocalLeader>tm :tabmove         " move a tab to a new location

Load extensions we need and change some format options for markdown files.

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" auto load extensions for different file types
if has('autocmd')
        filetype plugin indent on
        syntax on

        autocmd BufReadPost *
                \ if line("'\"") > 0|
                \       if line("'\"") <= line("$")|
                \               exe("norm '\"")|
                \       else|
                \               exe "norm $"|
                \       endif|
                \ endif

        " improve legibility
        au BufRead quickfix setlocal nobuflisted wrap number

        " improved formatting for markdown
        " http://plasticboy.com/markdown-vim-mode/
        autocmd BufRead *.mkd  set ai formatoptions=tcroqn2 comments=n:>
        autocmd BufRead ~/.blog/entries/*  set ai formatoptions=tcroqn2 comments=n:>
And that’s the .vimrc
Here are some of the plugins that I used:
  • NERD Commenter – auto comment sections of code
  • NERD Tree – display file tree for directories, like a project view
  • Alternate – Alternate between implementation and header files
  • Compview – Search for a word and display a window with results
  • GetLatestVimScript – Get the latest version of scripts
  • Matchit – Extended % matching
  • Rails – Tons of RoR stuff
  • Securemodelines – Secure modeline support
  • Taglist – display a list of tags from the file
  • VCScommand – help with files under revision control
  • Vimball – install vimball plugins
  • Yankring – have a ring of copy/paste buffers for history pasting
  • C – A collection of helpful things for C (Although mine is heavily customized)
Enough with text, here’s a couple of screenshots of how it looks:

I maintain a pretty-up-to-date copy of most of my configuration files in my github dotfile repository, that’s the best way to get this configuration as well as all the plugins that I use, you can download a tarball of all the files from the github (direct link: here) page as well.

Well, hope someone out there finds these configuration files useful. I welcome any feedback :)

Soon to come: an explanation of the project that I’ve been working on that has taken me away from blogging for so long, an Intrusion Detection System based on Locality events.

Update 10/23/08: After some theme changes, updated screenshot (no NERDtree or taglist shown in the image):

Update 12/9/09: Been over a year, just for a teaser of what it looks like now:


http://writequit.org/blog/2008/09/14/vim-setup-explained/feed/ 8
GTD and desktop workflow/setup, revisited http://writequit.org/blog/2008/05/23/gtd-and-desktop-workflow-revisited/ http://writequit.org/blog/2008/05/23/gtd-and-desktop-workflow-revisited/#comments Fri, 23 May 2008 22:30:05 +0000 http://writequit.org/blog/?p=171 UPDATE: Sorry about the RSS confusion with this post, it’s being very strange. I hate WordPress binding “publish” to Ctrl+P

Anyone that might have read my blog for a long time might remember this post about how I do GTD (Getting To Done) on my machine(s). Well, I decided it’s been quite a while since I’ve talked about that, so I’ll go through some of my workflow, tools and quirks.

If you read my blog soley for security content, you can skip this post :) Personally I like to read other people’s workflows/setup to see if there is an interesting way I can fit useful tools into my own setup. Anyhow, on with the details

I have 3 machines that I primarily use. My main machine is a MacBook Pro with an attached Dell LCD monitor running OSX (what else?), the second machine is a Dell Optiplex tower running Ubuntu 8.04. The third machine is a Dell 610 laptop that dual-boots Hex and Windows. Here’s a picture of my default setup on the machines:




Most of my work is done on the MacBook (my personal machine, not supplied by work), I use the Ubuntu machine for tasks that span multiple days, so I can leave a screen term logged in and attach/detach whenever I need to take my laptop home. The Hex machine is mainly used for security purposes, packet analysis, nsm-console development testing, etc.

I like to keep a pretty clean desktop, clutter really tends to irritate me. I try as hard as I can to separate everything that would be on the desktop into either a “papers”, “media”, “code” or “misc” folder. In the previous post about GTD, I mentioned that we use the Mantis ticketing system to keep track of administration tickets. We still use Mantis, just recently upgraded, you can check out a shot here:

If my firefox looks a little strange, it’s because I use the vimperator extension to give firefox Vim-like keybindings and layout. It helps someone who spends a large amount of time in a vim editor to transition quickly between text editing and web-browsing. Speaking of text editing, I absolutely love MacVim and really recommend it to anyone using OSX who likes Vim:

I’ve also transitioned from Mutt to Thunderbird, mostly because Mutt’s 2-way IMAP settings are not so great if you have to check mail between multiple computers. I use the pre-release muttator extension to give Thunderbird mutt-like keybindings:

I use the standard GTD folder naming, which mostly consists of “Inbox”, “Archive” and “Do” folders. (I hope the idea behind each folder is obvious). I still use Gmail for personal email, but can’t access it from inside the work network over POP3 or IMAP due to firewall restrictions, so I use the web client.

Instead of using iCal for meetings, like I was doing, I moved to using Google Calendar, which is aided by the notifier for events, so I don’t have to set up reminders for meetings. It also lets me share my wife’s calendar and see what she’s up to :) As well as google calendar, I also use gReader to browse my 222 RSS subscriptions, nothing else comes close as far as I’m concerned (yay more vim-like keybindings).

I do still use a moleskine, but lately I’ve transitioned to the next larger notebook (5′ x 7′), so that I can write out larger notes and more information (writting assembly notation in a tiny notebook gets annoying). I make use of the same sort of TODO list as in my last post ( – for an incomplete task, + for a completed task ). I take it to all meetings I go to and doodle in it sometimes ;) I still use the smaller book for lists and small notes.

One of the things I’ve found is that despite having a widescreen 2nd monitor, the ‘wide’ part doesn’t really help any for what I do, so I flipped the monitor up to make it vertical, which is really helpful for using IDA, since I can see more instructions at once, here’s the malware I’ve working on at the moment:

Since I normally have at least 1 VM running, as well as mail, 1 or 2 browsers, X11, Adium, MacVim and any other number of things, I cut down on RAM usage by using cmus (hurray more vim keybindings) for a music playing instead of iTunes (which is such a memory hog for simple things). I also use irssi instead of a graphical client for IRC since it’s a little lighter weight:

I rigged Quicksilver up to the cmus-remote command-line utility so I can have system-wide keybindings for player control, pretty much the other thing I use iTunes for anymore is heavy music folder management (I do like that feature). I spend a great deal of time at the command-line, if you’re interested in configuration files, you can find my zshrc, screenrc, vimrc, gvimrc and nsmcrc at dotfiles.org.

Finally, here’s an overview of my basic whole-desktop setup:

My GTD process has kind of evolved into a stripped down version of the multiple-step instructions from some of the more famous practitioners (receive email, process until inbox has 0 messages, perform actions). I make up a large amount of time by unifying my tools around a certain look and feel (Vim-keybindings for everything), allowing my brain not to have to shift gears for different tasks. By keeping a strict set of rules on which application goes where (as in for virtual spaces), I always know where I can find what I am looking for (application wise). In my opinion, this adds to my efficiency more than any particular tool could have.

Well, that’s about it, hopefully you found something interesting in this post. If you have a neat tool or helpful suggestion, leave a comment below (especially if it has Vim keybindings ;) )

http://writequit.org/blog/2008/05/23/gtd-and-desktop-workflow-revisited/feed/ 11