EOS: Completion Module
Table of Contents
(provide 'eos-completion)
EOS Completion Module
This contains all the code that I use for things like completion. Right now this is mostly company-mode as well as other things I've been trying out…
Dabbrev is built in to Emacs, being something that is great at greedy completion.
(use-package dabbrev :init (setq dabbrev-case-fold-search nil))
(use-package hippie-exp :init ;; force hippie-expand completions to be case-sensitive (defadvice hippie-expand (around hippie-expand-case-fold activate) "Try to do case-sensitive matching (not effective with all functions)." (let ((case-fold-search nil)) ad-do-it)) :config (setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list '(;; Try to expand word "dynamically", searching the current buffer. try-expand-dabbrev ;; Try to expand word "dynamically", searching all other buffers. try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers ;; Try to expand word "dynamically", searching the kill ring. try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill ;; Try to complete text as a file name, as many characters as unique. try-complete-file-name-partially ;; Try to complete text as a file name. try-complete-file-name ;; Try to expand word before point according to all abbrev tables. try-expand-all-abbrevs ;; Try to complete the current line to an entire line in the buffer. try-expand-list ;; Try to complete the current line to an entire line in the buffer. try-expand-line ;; Try to complete the current line to an entire line in a different ;; buffer. try-expand-line-all-buffers ;; Try to complete as an Emacs Lisp symbol, as many characters as ;; unique. try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially ;; Try to complete word as an Emacs Lisp symbol. try-complete-lisp-symbol)))
Autocomplete with Company
I use company
for a lot of things, so let's just enable it everywhere.
(use-package company :ensure t :diminish company-mode ;; stupid flyspell steals the binding I really want, `C-.` :bind (("C-c ." . company-complete) ("C-." . company-complete)) :init (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-company-mode) (use-package company-quickhelp :ensure t :init (add-hook 'company-mode-hook #'company-quickhelp-mode) :config (setq company-quickhelp-delay 2)) ;; Set up statistics for company completions (use-package company-statistics :ensure t :init (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'company-statistics-mode)) :config (setq company-selection-wrap-around t ;; do or don't automatically start completion after <idle time> company-idle-delay 1.0 ;; at least 3 letters need to be there though company-minimum-prefix-length 3 ;; show completion numbers for hotkeys company-show-numbers t ;; align annotations to the right company-tooltip-align-annotations t company-search-regexp-function #'company-search-flex-regexp) (bind-keys :map company-active-map ("C-n" . company-select-next) ("C-p" . company-select-previous) ("C-d" . company-show-doc-buffer) ("C-l" . company-show-location) ("<tab>" . company-complete)))
There are also a few things to configure for Company's dabbrev completion:
(use-package company-dabbrev :init (setq company-dabbrev-ignore-case nil ;; don't downcase dabbrev suggestions company-dabbrev-downcase nil company-dabbrev-downcase nil)) (use-package company-dabbrev-code :init (setq company-dabbrev-code-modes t company-dabbrev-code-ignore-case nil))
Used smart-tab to complete everywhere except for ERC, shell and mu4e.
(use-package smart-tab :ensure t :defer t :diminish "" :init (global-smart-tab-mode 1) (setq smart-tab-using-hippie-expand t) :config (add-to-list 'smart-tab-disabled-major-modes 'mu4e-compose-mode) (add-to-list 'smart-tab-disabled-major-modes 'erc-mode) (add-to-list 'smart-tab-disabled-major-modes 'shell-mode))