EOS: Elasticsearch Module

Table of Contents

(provide 'eos-es)


(use-package es-mode
  :ensure t
  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.es$" . es-mode))
  (add-hook 'es-mode-hook 'auto-indent-mode)
  (add-hook 'es-result-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
  (setq es-warn-on-delete-query nil
        es-always-pretty-print t))

Some setup for the Java-specific ES project, with EDE

;; Enable EDE globally
(global-ede-mode 1)
(when (fboundp 'ede-java-root-project)
  (ede-java-root-project "elasticsearch"
                         :file "/home/hinmanm/es/elasticsearch/build.gradle"
                         :srcroot '("core/src")))


There's a nice mode for logstash configurations that seems to work pretty well, so I install that

(use-package logstash-conf
  :ensure t)

ES Services started and Run from Emacs (prodigy)

I basically use this to start up ES when I need to test something really quickly

I have been trying out esvm for this lately also, check out my ESVM configuration elsewhere in my dotfiles

So I configure prodigy like so:

(use-package prodigy
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  (setq prodigy-services '())
    :name "Kibana 5.0.1"
    :cwd "~/ies/kibana-5.0.1-linux-x64_86"
    :command "~/ies/kibana-5.0.1-linux-x64_64/bin/kibana"
    :tags '(work kibana)
    :port 5601)

    :name "Elasticsearch 1.7.6"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-1.7.6"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-1.7.6/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 2.3.5"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-2.3.5"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-2.3.5/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 2.4.5"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-2.4.5"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-2.4.5/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 5.0.1"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.0.1"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.0.1/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 5.1.2"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.1.2"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.1.2/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 5.2.2"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.2.2"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.2.2/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 5.3.3"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.3.3"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.3.3/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 5.4.1"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.4.1"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.4.1/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "Elasticsearch 5.5.0"
    :cwd "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.5.0"
    :command "~/ies/elasticsearch-5.5.0/bin/elasticsearch"
    :tags '(work test es)
    :port 9200)
    :name "ES gradle run"
    :cwd "~/es/elasticsearch"
    :command "gradle"
    :args '("run")
    :tags '(work es)
    :port 9200))

ESVM configuration

I've been using esvm for managing starting up multiple ES nodes when I need to test something using the rest API. Here's my configuration for it that tangles and installs into ~/.esvmrc

Here is the branch with the latest release I use:

  "clusters": {
    "<<es-branch>>": {
      "branch": "<<es-branch>>",
      "nodes": 1
    "2node": {
      "branch": "<<es-branch>>",
      "nodes": 2
    "3node": {
      "branch": "<<es-branch>>",
      "nodes": 3
    "master": {
      "branch": "master",
      "nodes": 1
  "defaults": {
    "config": {
      "cluster.name": "es-lee",
      "node.add_id_to_custom_path": false,
      "path.repo": "/tmp",
      "path.shared_data": "/tmp",
      "script.indexed": "on",
      "script.inline": "on"
    "plugins": []

And to install it:

ln -sfv $PWD/out/esvmrc ~/.esvmrc

And, unfortunately, esvm needs node, so I have been using nvm for that

(when (file-exists-p "~/.nvm")
  (use-package nvm
    :ensure t
    :commands (nvm-use nvm-use-for)
    :init (nvm-use "v6.4.0")))

Author: Lee Hinman

Created: 2017-08-21 Mon 14:28