Error installing arpwatch on Mac OSX Fix

November 13, 2007

Another quickie,

Anyone running into the following error:

$ sudo make install
/usr/bin/install -c -m 555 -o bin -g bin arpwatch /usr/local/sbin
install: bin: Invalid argument
make: *** [install] Error 67

When trying to install arpwatch, edit the Makefile and replace all the occurrences of “-o bin” with “-o root” and all the occurrences of “-g bin” with “-g wheel

Hope this helps someone.

posted in error, install, makefile, osx by Lee

6 Comments to "Error installing arpwatch on Mac OSX Fix"

  1. Ugy wrote:

    It has certainly helped me as I came across the same error trying to ‘make install’ gdbm.
    Thank you!

  2. Ugy wrote:

    Though I should probably mention for other novices like myself that there was no occurrence of ‘-o bin’ or ‘-g bin’ but that the variables BINGRP and BINOWN near the top of the makefile need to hold ‘wheel’ and ‘root’ respectively.

  3. atma wrote:

    I just crossed this website through google search. I didn’t even read your instructions here but, via macports to install arpwatch just type: sudo port install arpwatch.

    And it’s a clean install…

  4. Lee wrote:

    @atma, That’s good to hear; the Macports team must have fixed this issue.

  5. Amel wrote:

    Thanks, the root:wheel is great for a make install!

  6. web user wrote:

    Thx a lot!
    Got the same error when installing gdbm.
    Needed to replace in Makefile $BINOWN and $BINGRP to root / wheel accordingly.

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