It hasn’t been that long since my last screencast, but I thought I’d do another, this time showing how to create a module for NSM-Console (so now you have no excuse for not contributing!). You can get the screencast here (right-click and download, don’t stream): NSM-Console project page. It’s under 10 mb and clocks in […]
Well, it has barely been any length of time and there’s already a new release of NSM-Console, there are so many features that I’ve been coding like crazy to get them all done. First, let’s start with the downloading: And, for anyone interested, here’s a rundown of the most notable new features: Additional encoding/decoding […]
In my never-ending quest to find justification for writing NSM-Console, I hereby present the following tutorial on how to decode the SANS Christmas packet challenge using nothing but NSM-Console: I’m going to be using NSM-Console version 0.4-DEVEL, which adds the features that allow this analysis to be performed without external tools. You can get the […]
You can now directly browse the source code for both the Hex liveCD and the source code for NSM-Console directly from the Rawpacket Hex trac. If you’re interested in upcoming features in NSM-Console, you can check out the latest TODO file here. Thanks go to spoonfork who switched us over from CVS to SVN without […]
Yep, I’ve just been cranking out code lately, so I am proud to present the 0.3 release of nsm-console! You can download NSM-Console here: This release was focused a bit more on usability, features and bugfixes rather than the addition of new modules, however, there were still a couple that were added. Since this […]
Well, I’ve been working on this for the last week or so, trying to get it all working the way I wanted, and after around 15 takes, I finally have a screencast for anyone interested in the idea behind and usage of nsm-console. The version of nsm-console used in the screencast is the 0.3-DEVEL version. […]
I just pushed out a newer development version of nsm-console out to, here are some of the new features: Snort module with community rules self-contained snort module will all the community rules and configuration file, this’ll generate alerts into a file after reading the pcap file. I wasn’t sure whether to use community or […]
I found out there is internet here, so I’m finally able to post some code changes I was working on while on the airplane. Firstly, download the files here. The static page for nsm-console is here. I finally got around to releasing the next version of the nsm-console. This version incorporates a large amount of […]
I’ve been kicking this idea around in my head for the last couple of days, trying to decide what to write… Return with me, for a moment, back to the computational hardware class you took in college (if you did take one, don’t worry if you didn’t). Do you remember discussing program/memory flow? How about […]
Just a small update, I finally got around to creating static pages for the important things I’ve posted on my blog. You can view them on the right-hand column of the main page. I’ve created pages for the following projects/topics: About the author Aimsnarf NSM-Console Hopefully this makes it easier to link to a particular […]