'security' Category

  • Tutorial: Sniffing iSCSI traffic for a spoofing attack

    June 21, 2007

    Also known as “Why you need some kind of iSCSI security” Okay, after reading Himanshu Dwivedi’s presentation[PDF] on iSCSI security (insecure-SCSI hur hur hur) I decided to try and replicate one of the attacks that he mentioned in the presentation. Following is how I managed to get the data shown of a different machine. Firstly, […]

  • Not-as-simple perl script for ZFS snapshot auditing

    June 5, 2007

    Hi everyone, I’m back again with another perl script to hopefully be useful to a few of you. Firstly, the script: http://lee.hinmanphoto.com/files/zdiff.txt (formatting long scripts in wordpress’ crazy editor is a very long and arduous process, thus I’m just linking to the script in this case, if anyone knows of a better place to stick […]

  • Linux firewall configuration

    May 17, 2007

    Basic iptables firewall conf only letting ssh and DNS through: # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.11 on Thu May 17 14:52:04 2007 *filter :INPUT DROP [13164:946396] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT DROP [0:0] -A INPUT -p tcp -m state –state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -s […]

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