'obfuscation' Tag

  • Quick javascript de-obfuscation with python

    June 5, 2008

    Scholar was kind enough to allow me to post his/her obfuscated javascript. Here’s a quick rundown. The page was originally this: <html> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.</p> <p>Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p> […]

  • Obfuscated javascript fun

    March 5, 2008

    A friend of mine (thanks Legit) turned me on to this piece of javascript found in the midst of some PHP: <script language=”JavaScript”> var0 = “x69x3cx33x27x34x38x30x75x3bx34″; var1 = “x38x30x68x72x36x3ax20x3bx21x30″; var2 = “x27x72x75x26x27x36x68x72x3dx21″; var3 = “x21x25x6fx7ax7ax33x27x34x38x30″; var4 = “x26x21x34x21x7bx3bx30x21x7ax3c”; var5 = “x3bx31x30x2dx67x7bx25x3dx25x72″; var6 = “x75x3dx30x3cx32x3dx21x68x72x64″; var7 = “x63x72x75x22x3cx31x21x3dx68x72″; var8 = “x64x63x72x75x33x27x34x38x30x37″; var9 = “x3ax27x31x30x27x68x72x65x72x75″; var10 = […]

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