'ruby' Tag

  • Rebuilding TCP streams with Ruby part 2: fuzzysort

    March 19, 2008

    This is part 2 of a series on rebuilding TCP streams using Ruby, for more information, visit the previous post: Rebuilding TCP streams with Ruby part 1: fuzzymatch In my previous post, I talked about using fuzzy sequence/acknowledge numbers to split a network capture file into streams. Using fuzzymatch was pretty successful for cutting streams […]

  • Rebuilding TCP streams with Ruby part 1: fuzzymatch

    March 11, 2008

    I have undertaken the (not so small) task of attempting to use Ruby to rebuild TCP data streams. I was originally planning on using ruby-libnids, but after running into considerable trouble with dynamic library linking on OSX, I decided it’d be a good experiment to write my own. This is not a small feat. In […]

  • Obfuscated javascript fun

    March 5, 2008

    A friend of mine (thanks Legit) turned me on to this piece of javascript found in the midst of some PHP: <script language=”JavaScript”> var0 = “x69x3cx33x27x34x38x30x75x3bx34″; var1 = “x38x30x68x72x36x3ax20x3bx21x30″; var2 = “x27x72x75x26x27x36x68x72x3dx21″; var3 = “x21x25x6fx7ax7ax33x27x34x38x30″; var4 = “x26x21x34x21x7bx3bx30x21x7ax3c”; var5 = “x3bx31x30x2dx67x7bx25x3dx25x72″; var6 = “x75x3dx30x3cx32x3dx21x68x72x64″; var7 = “x63x72x75x22x3cx31x21x3dx68x72″; var8 = “x64x63x72x75x33x27x34x38x30x37″; var9 = “x3ax27x31x30x27x68x72x65x72x75″; var10 = […]

  • The ZoomGo script, quickly move anywhere you want to be

    February 29, 2008

    One of the most important traits of being a SysAdmin is laziness (well, not really laziness, but recognizing repetitive action and taking steps to automate it). In the effort to combat repetitive changing directories, I have written a tiny (< 100 lines) Ruby script to handle “zooming” to a particular directory. Firstly, download the script […]

  • NSM-Console version 0.5 release

    February 5, 2008

    That’s right, no development release this time around. I’ve been trying to get version 0.5 all finished for the Hex 1.0.3 release, and I’m happy to present the newest NSM-Console release! Firstly, you can download NSM-Console version 0.5 here: http://writequit.org/projects/nsm-console/files/nsm-console-0.5.tar.gz Mirror here: https://secure.redsphereglobal.com/data/dakrone/files/nsm-console-0.5.tar.gz Like always, let’s go over some of the new features in this […]

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